Hello and welcome to all viewers of the blog! From now on, all my blogs will be focusing on the Cambridge portfolio project! All the blogs I have done in the past up until now have demonstrated all that I have been learning in Media Studies so far that are imperative to include in a quality level film. I'm honestly very excited for this project and can't wait to see what my group and I come up with! With that being said, recently in class we learned all about film openings and how to develop purpose and meaning with different techniques.
The main approach that I may consider the most is developing character. This approach relies on Mise-en Scene elements such as costumes, make up, props, and setting, which I would really enjoy to work on as these things require one to really think creatively. Aspects like dialogue and the way a character interacts with their environment are also other factors that play into this, something that I would also like to spend time on doing! I feel as if knowing the main character well is very important in any story/film, so I would love to focus on this aspect which will also make me feel more certain about who the production is going to revolve around.
Another approach I would like to go for is establishing tone! I like this approach because it requires thinking about the story and what central tone it would take by utilizing techniques like color schemes and lighting! Establishing tone is critical to a film as it tells viewers what the general emotion will be throughout, adding to the immersion, effect, and overall enjoyment of the production. All of these factors are reasons as to why I would like to pursue establishing tone, especially with color because I think it can add large amounts of personality to a character, setting, and the whole storyline.