To start off this wonderful new month, I'll be talking to you guys all about acting! I'll dive into my previous experiences with it, as well as my current experience and challenges with acting as Charlotte during filming day 1! So grab a super awesome snack (or breakfast if it's morning, you should definitely eat breakfast; I ate pancakes, they were super baller) and LET'S GO!
For the thumbnail! (this shot is so cool guys)
Before anything, I would like to showcase all my performances to show you Cambridge lads my experience with acting! Throughout the past year, I've acted more than ever before; so for the opener, I luckily had some experience under my belt! I'd like to think that I progressively got better at it as the year went on, and I think you can definitely tell when comparing my performance in the OWF (one word film) to our opener!
In this project that I worked with Renn on, I had to act as a concerned student who failed her test because she wasted all her time sleeping the class away! For acting concerned, my performance in this wasn't the best BAHAHHA, but cut me some slack guys it was my first time acting for a production! (at least I think so)
BTS 1: Me about to shoot from under a table >:D
Okay, so this one is not media related but was actually a project for my Sociology class! Working with Renn again, we made an intentionally awful 1980's type rapper video that essentially told viewers to avoid peer pressure at all costs, with sociologist James Cote (totally not Renn) arguing against the views of the peer perisher (me). Throughout this video, I had to act as an obnoxious rapper, which I actually had so much fun doing, and I would say I did a decent job at it! Check out this absolute master piece below:
BTS 2: Me losing to Renn at Jenga after filming (I’ll win one day bro watch me)
This was genuinely the best day ever and one of my favorite acting experiences and performances so far! December 7th, 2024, was the day I threw myself into a below 60°F (15 C for you english lads) pool while wearing a dress, two things I never willingly do! Luckily, this wasn’t so incredibly hard to endure because my friends were super awesome and joined in on my suffering by jumping into the pool as well! (love u guys) Check out the MV! I’m genuinely still so proud of it :)
BTS 3: ICY COLD PIC! (literally)
Playing as Charlotte required climbing hills, limping, getting sprayed by water, shovels, serious faces, and being really cool... like guys, I haven't felt this cool in ages!!!
ICY COLD PIC 2 (this one's the best, I know)
In the beginning hill sequence, I had to climb up the same hill in a straight line going up the right third multiple times, obviously for safety, but there was another little issue...I couldn't walk in a straight line (skull emoji). This was a bit difficult because the hill was filled with rocks and got slightly steeper as I walked on. To make this easier, Nico gathered some rocks and made a trail leading up to the top and it was proven to be successful! I followed the pretty rocks and made up to the top in one piece...IN A STRAIGHT LINE!
Throughout this scene, I also had to act as if I was carrying something very very a dead body...andd that's because Charlotte is supposed to be carrying the dead body of her boss. Cute! I had no problem with acting like the bag was heavy; I pretended to limp and used the shovel as a walking stick of some sorts because it was so insanely huge and stuff!
ICY COLD PIC 3: Charlotte walking up the hill with thousands of pounds on her back.
In the next couple of shots, I then had to drop all my stuff; take off my hat, be super cool for like 5 seconds, drop the hat, and then pick up the shovel and start digging. When we did this for the first time, I did the first half well, but after I took off my hat, I forgot to drop it and pick up the shovel! After that, I tried again and did all the steps...except when I began to dig with the shovel, that I was kinda holding incorrectly, I completely missed the ground; that was quite the comedic moment because everyone began to laugh, including me BAHAHAHAA it was great. After being taught how to hold a shovel properly and then some, I acted out the whole scene correctly! YAYYY!! I'm proud to say I now know how to hold a shovel, thanks Nico!
As the camera was beginning to get closer to my face, Zach grabbed Renn's spray bottle filled with water and sprayed it all over my face to make it look like I'm sweating buckets! The spraying was honestly very refreshing as it was hotter than an August marching band rehearsal, so thank you Renn's spray bottle! Emi appreciates you :333
ICY COLD PIC 4: Me taking off my hat and being super cool for like 5 seconds!
After Nico poured out all of the (fake) dirt, I then had to pick up the shovel and begin digging the (fake) dirt up continuously! While doing this, I tried my best to keep a serious face and make it seem like what I was doing was a very, very arduous effort. After a while though, the digging actually got pretty hard and my arms and back may or may not have been sore the following morning...GREAT WORKOUT!
As mentioned in the previous blog post, as I kept digging up the (fake) dirt, the amount of it eventually began to run out, so it became a little tedious to dig up the little bits, leading to more back and arm pain for me to endure the next morning BHAHAHAH, but it all went well, and it looks quite believable in the footage that I was digging up actual dirt without committing property damage! YAY!
After digging, I was then directed to stick the shovel on the ground...easy right? On the first take, I missed striking the ground completely (skull emoji). But it's all okay because after that take, I took a second practicing my shovel sticking skills and by the next one, it struck down successfully!
ICY COLD PIC 5: Charlotte about to dig!
For the final cross scene, I had to tie up the cross while also trying my best to hide my luxurious purple nails. It took me about 2 takes to get the tying right, as sometimes tying can be a bit hard for me and also because of the nails, but I eventually got it down! :D I then stuck the cross down on the ground and proceeded to walk into the horizon like a total "frondeur", Power Thesaurus (2025). This shot took about two takes as I was first directed to walk slightly to my left, but it was eventually decided that I had to walk straight ahead, and the result looks pretty awesome!
ICY COLD VIDEO 1: Charlotte being a "renegade", Power Thesaurus (2025)
ICY COLD PIC 6: Me posing with our super awesome cross!
I loved acting for this production and felt so incredibly cool throughout filming (except for the two times I missed the ground with the shovel BAHAHHAH). I've seen most of the raw footage and they look absolutely amazing...the setting, the lighting, colors, AND ME! It's always so incredibly exciting seeing yourself through the lens of a high quality camera!
I'm really really happy I starred once again in another production this school year and will definitely go back to doing it once again in the future :))
WOOO!! Guys this blog took me about the whole day, but that's not because I'm a slow writer oh, no, no! Today was quite the eventful one!
At around 3pm, my family and I went to have lunch at a super awesome Thai restaurant! The food was so incredibly good, I swear bro every single thing I ate there was amazing, NOT A SINGLE BAD PLATE!!! The place is called Larb, you guys should definitely check it out :33 (Cambridge lads, if you want to travel to Florida, please go to this restaurant, you will not regret it)
Super awesome appetizer!! Super awesome main course!
(I inhaled it before I could even touch my phone whoops)
Then after lunch I returned home and continued to work on this, until my dad was all like "Emi do u wanna practice driving" and I was like HELL YEAH! Then we came back at like 6 pm and I've been working on this post ever since while also watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with my Dad! :DD GREAT DAY!!
With all that said, I must now drink water and NOT go to sleep because it's not that late for a Saturday >:D! Thank you all for sticking with me through the 5th week of blog postings! I'll see you all next week, goodbye for now super awesome blog readers and buenas noches/buenos dias/buenas tardes/YEAH!!
Power Thesaurus. (2025). Badass synonyms - 550 Words and Phrases for Badass. Power Thesaurus.
buenas tardes is crazy