For the actual Music Marketing Project, our class had to create a marketing campaign for a new artist/group! After finishing planning out everything needed to begin our project (all explained in the last blog post) we got straight to work on the music video and presentation!
On December 7th, the whole group gathered at Renn's house to film the music video! The video below will be explaining the development process of the project!
The week after filming the music video, 2 group members focused on editing while the rest began on the presentation and worked on further development of Sylas's (our artist) brand, personality, background, distribution, and campaign in our planning document as we realized we didn't have much of that fleshed out and needed to get it done quick. Our group's planning document helped us all out so much while working on the actual presentation as it is essentially a great place to get information on all things Sylas!
After about a day, Sylas was fully developed as a person and musician! Her brand was established to be eccentric, expressive, and passionate, with the main colors being blue, oranges, reds, and a variety of yellows! She has a 6 step marketing campaign and a distribution plan that involves heavy use of social media! Much more of this is further explored on our presentation!
We then spent the last class period we had together as a group to work on our presentation! We divided up the parts of the presentation for each group member in order to get work done quicker and more conveniently. I focused on the brand, target audience, marketing / distribution trends, and marketing examples! The presentation got fully finished on the day it was due and was submitted successfully! I'm very proud with how everything turned out, especially the music video.
Overall, this project was tons of fun! I've learned so much and made new friends! I'm so happy and proud to have made a whole new artist with a unique brand, personality, and marketing techniques and make a presentation all about it and star in such an amazing music video!