Before starting our music marketing project, our class had to do research on an assigned music genre and some of its artists! My group got assigned rock subgenres, which includes genres like indie rock, punk rock, classic rock, metal, etc. Each group member filled out a chart on the artist or band they were researching from a specific record label such as Sony Music and Warner Music Group. The band I researched was Blink-182! I used their website, social media platforms, and other resources such as Wikipedia to figure out their brand, target audience, and marketing techniques, both digital and non-digital. The rest of my group conducted research on Bring me The Horizon, The Strokes, Deftones, and Gorillaz.
-Research on Blink-182's audience interaction!
Now that my group knew more about typical marketing techniques associated with our genre, the planning process for the music marketing project began! For this project we had to create a marketing and distribution campaign for our newly created artist, make a music video storyboard, create said music video with a song from our assigned genre and make a 15-minute presentation and behind-the-scenes blog post about it! 4 songs were given to our group and out of all of them we chose “Time is Running Out” by Muse!
We began our planning process by creating a schedule for the next two weeks. We planned on discussing ideas and creating the storyboard on Thursday, film throughout the weekend, and work on the editing and presentation throughout the rest of the following week!
-The schedule for the Music Marketing Project!
On Thursday we discussed as a group what type of music video we will create, who will do what, our newly created artist’s name, brand, and marketing techniques.
The type of music video we all agreed on doing was the artistic music video! Meaning that stylistic elements like costume design and lighting are embraced and the entire thing is abstract. In our case, the element that we decided to embrace the most was lighting! Afterwards we decided on the name of our artist, Sylas, created his brand, target audience, distribution methods, marketing techniques, and assigned roles to each group member.
We planned for the storyboard to be done and ready by Thursday, but it took a day for us to fully figure out each scene of the video. By Friday afternoon, the scene outline was sent to me and then I got to work on the storyboard! The storyboard had to be at least 20 slides with all group member names included. Our music video focuses on the artist (played by me) getting obsessed with the idea of drowning and attempting to do so by jumping into a pool.
Storyboard for the music video! :DDD
This concludes the planning process for the Music Marketing Project! I had a lot of fun coming up with awesome ideas with my group and looking forward to the rest of the project!
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