For this project we were supposed to create a short film based on a singular word while working in pairs. The story is meant to convey the word without dialogue, music with lyrics, and couldn't be longer than 1 1/2 minutes, Before making the actual film, students had to create a brainstorming sheet and storyboard first. After making the film, both students in the pair had to edit the video themselves on either Adobe Premiere Pro, Davinci, or iMovie.
The word that our group got assigned was "concerned." After receiving our word my partner and I immediately began to think of what our story should be about!
Our first idea was for the story to be about a clumsy person and their concerned friend but we really had no idea what to make the clumsy person do.
Our second idea was to make it about an environmental activist being concerned about the planet while their friend couldn't care less. But we didn't really like this idea all that much so we scrapped it.
Our third and final idea was to make it about 2 students taking a test. Student A is incredibly studious and strives to ace all of their exams while Student B is a slacker and doesn't care at all for school. The film follows Student A being concerned for Student B during the test because they were slacking and Student B being concerned for their grade after finishing the test last minute.
After we came up with our final idea we began to write on the brainstorming sheet! We decided on what shots would be best for each part and planned out the overall story.
Brainstorming sheet:
Soon after I began drawing the storyboard! I used each panel on the brainstorming sheet as a reference and completed all 15 panels. The storyboard really helped us with pre-visualization of the project and made our overall filming process easier as we knew what each shot was going to look like.
After finishing both papers my partner and I proceeded to use a whole class period to film! We finished filming all the shots in time and began to edit the next class. For editing I used Adobe Premiere Pro and it took me about 1 day to get it done.
My version actually came out decent for the first time filming and editing. I think that each shot came out well and clear in quality. The story was also conveyed clearly and demonstrated the concern each character was feeling. What could have been better was my performance in the film, I really could have looked more concerned! I also think that some of the two shots could have had better framing and my editing could have been smoother in some parts, especially the transition from shot 11 to 12, the part where it transitions from a mid shot of Person B to a two shot of both characters getting their papers picked up by the teacher.
But overall this project was great! I have learned a lot from it and had tons of fun filming and editing!
Link to OWF:
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