Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Hello all! Welcome to week 3 of the Cambridge project journey! Today in class, my teacher put everyone in a group for a meeting with fellow classmates! There, we introduced our genre, story (if we had one), and ideas while also learning from those ideas and giving useful feedback. With that being said, lets get into what was talked about!


I was put into a group with my classmates, Simona, Isabel, Sofia, and Roman. Simona was the first to tell us what she has been creating so far, and out of all of us, is the one who's further ahead in production as she is close to having a fleshed out story, has a main character, storyboard, and knows what media theory she wants to integrate in her opener! The genre she chose was suspense/horror, with the plot being about a woman killing her husband. An aspect she told us about the opener that I thought was neat was that the main character is going to be a well put together business women being played by Simona's mom, which I think will really make this production feel a lot more realistic with having an actual adult play someone of that age! I also commented that I really liked her idea that the main character will be portrayed as an organized, seemly perfect person, creating a juxtaposition as she will end up murdering someone, which will really leave a lasting impression on viewers. 

After Simona told us her story, the group was wondering how all of it was going to fit into the 2 minutes, and also had concerns with the time it was going to be filmed. Simona responded that she will eventually figure out how to condense the story to fit that time frame, and also was thinking to film at golden hour to sundown. Apart from these obstacles, there aren't any other issues that had to be addressed, and I really enjoyed what Simona had to share!

The type of character that I think Simona is going for! From American Psycho (2000)

2. EMI (me!)

I was the next person to share what was in store! As of present day, the writers in my team, Nico and Zach, are working on the story and script which will most likely be finalized by tomorrow or Thursday! Because of this, I only gave a general synopsis of the plot as I don't know about the specifics yet. I said that my team and I are doing a Western opener that revolves around a female outlaw who has been escaping death for years from multiple bounties, but this time she won't be so lucky. I also showed some costume designs I made for the project, which will be shown below! :)

Costume designs! (Some of these need to be more simplified)

The group enjoyed what I had to show, but also expressed concerns with what time to film, costumes, and especially location. For the time to film, I told the group that I was thinking of maybe filming at high noon or sundown for maybe the climax, and Simona suggested that my group and I could also film in the morning as it is a lot less hot outside. As for the costumes, I told them I was on costume design and that Renn would sow some of the designs included like patterns and patches! The location however is my groups biggest setback, as Western films are typically filmed in a not so green Florida-looking setting. Because of this, the group suggested doing a more modern take on the Western genre by changing up the traditional costumes to a more contemporary version and film in color as the green grass would make sense in a modern context! As well as suggesting that I do a present day Western, the group also mentioned that if I do a traditional Western instead, that I should film in black and white to hide the bright non-traditional Western colors. 

Modern Western! From Hell or High Water (2016)

                                                   Traditional Western! From Django (1966)

The group also gave me awesome tips for the location which I think will really help in the long run! They told me that around Southwest Ranches, an area near where I live, has an area with a number of cows which can be a good place to film, (if we are allowed of course) and that there are also multiple stables there with horses and we can ask for permission to film there! Apart from Southwest Ranches, the group also suggested that we film at Markham Park, a recreational park that's also near where I live, and film at the foresty areas which can look really cool! 

I loved all the suggestions that the group gave me and so excited to continue on with developing this project with my team with these tips in mind! If any of you from the group meeting are seeing this post, thank you so much :)!


What Roman had to show us sounded really cool in my opinion. He said that he isn't exactly that far ahead in production at the moment as he doesn't have a fleshed out story idea yet, but the group thought he had a good foundation laid out! What Roman wanted to do is an interrogation scene in his garage between law enforcement, which will be played by his dad, and a Mexican cartel member that he will play as. A big thing Roman mentioned is that his dad actually works for law enforcement and therefore has access to fake guns and such that will really make the whole scene feel real. From this, the group suggested that he should add some Spanish dialogue to the opener as the cartel member is Mexican and therefore will make it more realistic! 

Another striking detail that Roman told us was that he was thinking of doing a torturing scene, where the interrogator is waterboarding the cartel member that will eventually lead to the confession! The group really liked this idea and thought it may be a little hard to film, but we agreed that it can be done! Roman has a solid base and really has to focus on writing a story he's sure about, but apart from that there really aren't any other problems to address. 
The type of scene that I think Roman is going for! (from stock)


Isabel's idea revolved around a psychotic doctor that purposefully makes patients sick (as an experiment) so they can continue to get more visits from them. For the setting, Isabel said that the main character's general workspace is going to be a mix of heavy disorganization mixed with organization with multiple jars with the initials of the patients that slowly fill up with drugs, and if the jar is almost full, then that means the patient is close to death. Isabel also mentioned that the only piece of dialogue in the entire opener will be "hey doctor" which will tie everything together and make it feel 10x more creepy. 

The group asked her where this would be filmed, and Isabel responded that she was going to do it in her garage, so location won't be a big concern! As this opener will be taking place inside, time won't be a big concern either. Apart from this, Isabel's idea seems to be solid; she still has a title to develop but has a good story going!

What I'm imagining for Isabel's opener! From Dexter (2006)


Sofia's approach was heavily inspired by popular dystopian films, The Hunger Games (2012) and Divergent (2014), as it focuses on two girls in a chaotic, lower middle class dystopian setting based on agriculture, that receive powers at the age of 15. However, instead of these said powers being good, it is considered really unfortunate to receive them, as whoever does gets sent to a military base or research lab. For the location of the film, Sofia told us that she was thinking of filming at Markham park because of the good agricultural vibe it provides! For the costumes, we suggested that the two main characters wear simple beige gowns since that will make the most sense with their income class. As this film is also taking place in a dystopian society, we also thought that the costumes should look all the same, with little to no individuality to them!

Other than not having a fleshed out story and title yet, Sofia has a solid idea going! As inspired as this film is from popular dystopian films, I still think she will be able to create her own original piece successfully! I'll really be looking forward to what she ends up creating. 

The type of costume the group was suggesting for Sofia!

I absolutely loved everything about this meeting if I'm being completely honest! I've received so much useful feedback from my peers that will for sure help my team out, and am so glad I was able to be apart of their planning and production processes!

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HELLLOOOOO!!!!! Welcome back super awesome blog readers :D! It is a very nice Saturday afternoon and I’ve had a pretty good day so far! Only...