Thursday, February 27, 2025


Hello everyone and happy Wednesday to you all!

 Why is it spelled as Wednesday it literally should be Wensday. 

(I wrote this first half on a wensday, sorry if I threw you off cambridge)

HELLO EVERYONE! Guess what time it is??.... PRODUCTION TIME! Today, I'll only be talking about our chosen location and obstacles that came across our way while filming there, so strap in, grab a snack, and get ready to hear about our super epic awesome time at Vista View Park!

For the thumbnail! Will be explained later, swear.


Before we get into anything else, I want to answer this question real quick: how did we decide on our final location? Ever since we began the very basic 1st draft of this project, our main worry has been all about location. At first we thought about Southwest Ranches but we figured that the grass was way too green and there wasn't really a specific good place where we could film at as it did not have any hills included and we very much needed that! Florida is unfortunately hill-less...except for one place...VISTA VIEW PARK! Zach and Renn visited this place for a brief moment and settled on filming there, obviously because of the hills, and the grass was relatively dry and not as green due to the fact that it hasn't been rained on in a while, which is perfect for a Western.

It currently looks like this but with the grass being a lot more yellow and dry looking

And with the location established, Renn sent out a message in the group chat saying that we were going to film there on Sunday (2/23/25) at 8 am and thankfully not 5am as the park does not open that early.

So what did I do with this information? I stayed up until almost 1 am working on the character development post from last week....YAY ME! Time management am I right? (no) Luckily I woke up in one piece, quickly put on my costume, ate breakfast and was ready to walk out the door. BUT WAIT! I was missing something...and that was the crucifix necklace. I asked my dad if he had one and "no, go ask your mom" was the answer; I then asked my mom and she told me my brother had one and I could use it but to take THE BEST CARE of it.... or else. And spoiler alert! I did! I'm so very responsible (most of the time) (thanks brother).

OBSTACLE 1: When I was just about to arrive at the park, I got a call from Renn and he asked me if I had any scissors because the group brought a rope and they had to cut it. I did not have any scissors on me but my dad luckily had a small pocket knife!

Literally what my dad had! (incredibly useful) (thank you dad)

OBSTACLE 2: After we got the pocket knife, we successfully cut the rope and were ready to be on our way to find a good filming place! Until we noticed another problem...DUN! DUN! DUNNN!! My nails were purple! They were colored, and cowgirls didn't have their nails painted, we wanted that historical accuracy! So what did we do about this? Did we go buy nail polish remover? Did we ask anyone around us if they had any?


Renn grabbed the pocket knife and tried his best to remove them while Zach and Nico used their bare hands to remove all the others...but unfortunately the amazing nail lady that did them was way too good at her job and made the nails very hard to remove (I would also like to mention that my nails were already in a bad condition before this so it was all okay). After a bit, we eventually gave up and decided that in the close up scene where Charlotte grabs her cross, we are going to use Renn's hands instead as our skin tones aren't too far off! So whoops...sorry nails, I promise you'll get a new coat of paint soon.

Bye bye nails! (we tried)

OBSTACLE 3: After this, we walked around the park to try and find a good filming location but HUGE SHOCKER! Many people were out running, walking, or biking on that beautiful Sunday morning! I was very caught off guard about that when I really shouldn't have been because of course they would Emi, come on. 

Squad trying to find a good area (he's off)

After a bit of walking and failing to find a good location, we decided to get into Zach's car and drive around the park instead so our feet don't fall off. Luckily, we eventually found a decent area which was at the top of the park, which had little to no people! We ended up using the hill that leads to the top area to film the scenes where Charlotte is walking up with the shovel and body bag, and the top area itself to film all the burial scenes! For the climbing up the hill scenes, we literally had to wait for the right time to film as there were a handful of townsfolk getting their morning work out in....and it did take a while at times.

Renn filming at the hill leading to top!

Squad waiting for people to clear out! (I danced back at Zach eventually guys don't worry)

OBSTACLE 4: Despite the many people, filming the hill scenes went quick and relatively smoothly! Immediately after, we moved up everything to the top of the hill and filmed the rest of the scenes there. There luckily weren't any issues with people up there and we got our scenes done pretty quick! One little thing that stopped us though was the heat, which made Zach's camera shut down momentarily. So because of that, we sat down on a picnic table for a while; which yes, did slow down the process, but we really needed a break, so maybeee it's okay that the camera overheated. (i ate a sandwich, it was very good)



That would be all for today super awesome blog viewers! I hope you enjoyed hearing all about the silly little obstacles we had to overcome during the first filming day. Speaking of that...expect a post on filming day 1 soon! YAY! For now I must drink water and study for a chemistry test I have tomorrow! So exciting! (help)

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 HELLO ALL! Happiest of Sunday's :DD!!!! I've been having a MEDIA FILLED day so far bro I'm actually not joking. I began my day ...