Hello!! It's been taking a second but I'm happy to say that my group and I have come up with a general plot for our opener! I think what we are most likely going to do is a slow paced opener that focuses on at most 2 characters, one being played by me and the other by Nico. We also decided to take a more traditional approach with the costumes, and as hard as it may be...the setting. Now I actually don't know for sure where we are actually thinking about filming but I think all we really got is Southwest Ranches and or Markham Park. But apart from that, I present to you, my amazing blog readers, what we have been coming up with!
Meet cowgirl! (pretend she has a really cool name for now) She's a modest, quick witted, and kind woman who was born in a city in New England and later moved to the old west as her family was struggling financially. As a child, she learned from her father all her super awesome shooting skills that eventually landed her a job in the workforce in the wild west, and she began to work there after the death of her husband. Work in the west was hard for cowgirl, obviously because of her gender and especially because of her boss, who very much did have major anger issues, was quite the aggressive type and always had a bone to pick with anyone around him. Calming him down was always impossible and unfortunately led him to his death due to an angry outburst from cowgirl. And so thanks to cowgirl, our super awesome Western movie began.
You may be wondering, "Emi! how does cowgirl look like?" I'm really glad you asked super awesome blog viewer! This drawing I'm about to show has nothing to do with the production of the project, I just got the really strong urge to draw cowgirl again today. (my first drawing of her is after this, I'm just showing this first for the thumbnail). This is a wanted poster showing cowgirl right after she killed her boss! Please stare at this for an ample amount of time I would gladly appreciate it >:D.
I don't really know if I mentioned this full on in past blogs before but initially, my group and I thought of doing a Western sci-fi, you know, when you mix really cool tech and gadgets and crazy interstellar plot lines with horses and guns! But after a day we came to our senses and admitted it was way too ambitious so we ended up only doing a Western. So because of that, we now have a very Western-like plot with no crazy world and technology which is a lot more high-schooler budget friendly. ;D
Now for the plot! We are planning to film a story revolving around a cowgirl that killed her boss. We plan for the death of this character to be unprecedented and done out of uncertainty and anger, not a murder out of cold blood, as cowgirl is calm and modest and rarely, if at all, resorts to murder. So what happens after cowgirl kills the man? She becomes filled with guilt and travels the old west to find her boss's son, and once she does she will allow for him to decide whether or not to kill her in compensation for the death of his father.
In the beginning we will show cowgirl bringing the dead man's body (that's in a potato sack) to a good place to bury him. She digs up a hole and buries the body inside and lays a crucifix on top of it. Cowgirl then proceeds to travel the land to find her boss's son and that is shown throughout the middle of the opener and we may also show what has happened between cowgirl and the boss before the beginning of the opener. Now that his father is dead, the son wishes he could have at least said or did something to show his love for him. The ending of our opener is possibly going to be the son, wanting revenge, but ultimately refusing to kill cowgirl as her pacifist, modest, and calm and calculated way of existing rubbed off on him.
I'm happy to say that the script is currently in the works and soon the storyboard will come to life, so you should definitely stay tuned for that! I hope you amazing viewers enjoyed my drawings of our super awesome protagonist and what we have in store so far. I'll see you all later!
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