Sunday, March 16, 2025


 HELLO ALL! Happiest of Sunday's :DD!!!! I've been having a MEDIA FILLED day so far bro I'm actually not joking. I began my day by immediately finishing up the "fanart" for the first CCR video and totally did not take about almost 2 hours to finish BAHAHAHHA who said that.  I then spent the rest of my countless hours filming the first page of my first CCR video and it low key went successfully! YAY! I still have a lot to film but that's tomorrow and the day after's business! I expect to be fully finished with filming the first video by Wednesday and will spend the rest of the week filming CCR 2! By Fri(yay) all of filming should be done and the whole weekend will be for editing! HELL YEAH!!! THE VOICES ARE GONE!! FOR NOW!! 

guys I got a haircut and my bangs are a lot shorter I feel strange

BUT ALAS!!!!!!!! TODAY'S TOPIC!! I HAVE TO GO TO SLEEP LIKE REALLY SOON! SO LET'S GET TO IT!!! CCR QUESTION 4!! Here I'll just be answering the question and sharing the script along with it and maybe some extra stuff if I feel like it! So with that, VAMONOS!!!

FOR THE THUMBNAIL!!! this is so cool guys


So I'm still very satisfied with my current idea for CCR 2 and more excited to film it! So we are going to keep it!! YAY!! As for question 4, it was quite the easy one to answer! We used a wide variety of technology in all forms and shapes and stuffs, and this beautiful site does indeed count! So you already know I mentioned it! Very thoroughly! Love you blogger!

With that said, here's my super awesome response to question 4: 

TECH TECH TECH! Oh man, what a useful tool. Every single form of it, hardware, software, and online, has truly made an impact on the production of our opener!

With hardware, we used Zach’s (as Renn would say it) amazing, beautiful, bar of gold, camera to film! This camera captured a plethora of juicy ass shots and definitely made our opener a lot more visually appealing! Along with that, we also used a tiny little microphone that was clipped to my clothes to get the best audio quality we can get, especially for the digging sound effect! Also fun fact, we didn’t have a tripod for the camera and instead, Zach and Renn used a tube light to keep it stable, YAY FOR MAKESHIFT TRIPODS!!

For software, we used Adobe Premiere Pro, where Zach worked on the line edit and color grading, and After Effects, where Renn worked on the graphics for our opener! Premiere Pro really helped us with color as most of the shots we got were a bit too bright due to the ever shining glow of the sun, while After Effects allowed for the title and deserved credits to be displayed when needed!

As for online, oh man, oh man, ONLINE! Blogger. Blogger has been absolutely everything to me since the very beginning of this project!!! It has helped me plan, with the characters, costume design, and storyboard and also assisted in calming down the overbearing voices that stressed me out about the project, especially during these last two weeks! With the help of that wonderful website, I was able to keep great track of my progress and stay organized!! YAY! To help develop the sound, Zach mainly used Pixabay to retrieve all the audio needed and created a banger sound design!

After writing this, it was time to insert it into the super awesome script! THAT I FINISHED TODAY!! YIPPEEEEEE!!!!!  I've decided to answer question 3 last because I'm pretty sure I can (it's in my notes so hella) and feel like it's a better way to conclude a project that I have been working on for 8 weeks! YAYYYY!!!! So with that being said, check out the full script :D


EMI sits down on her desk, chair facing the camera like CCR 1.

EMI: Well my friends….the time has come. I’m excited to say that today is finally the day of the interview! WOOHOO!! The outfit goes crazy right?

To be honest, the nerves are high right now, and there are about 3 and a half hours before it’s time to walk into Vanity Fair’s studio, so to calm myself down and make time seemingly go by slower, I oughta take us out on a walk! VAMONOS!!

EMI holds the camera while walking outside to the local park that’s totally not my backyard, calm music playing in the background.

EMI sets down the camera at a good spot and sits down.

EMI: ….Man…throughout all my years in the film industry, I never ever thought I would make it this far. Who knew that the small little projects made for school eventually led to…THIS?? It’s truly unbelievable bro..


EMI: I feel a tapping on my back..(FINN shows up right next to EMI) GAH!!

FINN: Hello there Emi! Beautiful day isn’t it?

EMI: Woah! Uh…hi? I had no idea animals could talk holy crap

FINN: We can! You humans just don’t sit down and listen a whole lot!

EMI: Ah well, yeah that makes sense. Wait! You know my name???

FINN: Oh why of course! You’re Emi Valdivia, star actress of Death Wears a Dress, correct? I absolutely adored your film, your performance was extraordinary!

EMI: Yep that’s me!! Glad you liked the film Finn! did you watch it? Genuinely curious.

FINN: Just at the film festival that took place here not too long ago. I along with many other of my friends were invested!

EMI: Ahhh that sounds about right! Cool to hear!

FINN: Yes, indeed! Ever since then I’ve been genuinely curious…what technologies, whether that be software, hardware, or online, did you use?

EMI: Oh man, that’s a good question! With hardware, we used Zach’s (as Renn would say it) amazing, beautiful, bar of gold, camera to film! This camera captured a plethora of juicy ass shots and definitely made our opener a lot more visually appealing! Along with that, we also used a tiny little microphone that was clipped to my clothes to get the best audio quality we can get, especially for the digging sound effect! Also fun fact, we didn’t have a tripod for the camera and instead, Zach and Renn used a tube light to keep it stable, YAY FOR MAKESHIFT TRIPODS!!

For software, we used Adobe Premiere Pro, where Zach worked on the line edit and color grading, and After Effects, where Renn worked on the graphics for our opener! Premiere Pro really helped us with color as most of the shots we got were a bit too bright due to the ever shining glow of the sun, while After Effects allowed for the title and deserved credits to be displayed when needed! 

As for online, oh man, oh man, ONLINE! Blogger. Blogger has been absolutely everything to me since the very beginning of this project!!! It has helped me plan, with the characters, costume design, and storyboard and also assisted in calming down the overbearing voices that stressed me out about the project, especially during these last two weeks! With the help of that wonderful website, I was able to keep great track of my progress and stay organized!! YAY! To help develop the sound, Zach mainly used Pixabay to retrieve all the audio needed and created a banger sound design!

FINN: My, my!! That is a very wide selection of tools, Emi! It truly intrigues me how you humans use these things… complicated.

EMI: Ha, yeah, I would think the exact same thing if I’m being honest; one quick glance at Premiere Pro and or After Effects can be a very scary experience!

FINN: Indeed! Speaking of experience, you most likely have come a long way since the beginning of this project! How did your production skills develop throughout the making of this film?

 Hmph, well! The biggest thing that this project taught me, was for sure and absolutely time management. As someone who attempts to create her own projects, whether that be comic books, short stories, or full fledged art projects, I have been a victim to the slimy hands of inconsistency since the very beginning of it all. As a starring actress, costume designer, character designer, and storyboarder, I had a handful of tasks to take care of, therefore I had to juggle my time at certain moments! I admit that these jobs aren’t as huge as director or editor, but I still had to stay vigilant and on task these past 8 weeks; spending a whole day solely for developing Charlotte and Phillip, hours designing Charlotte’s costume and giving it meaning, having to show up on set both filming days, ready to go and film for hours in the steaming sun with full sleeved clothing on, and writing 4 blogs a week on all of these things and then some on top of it!! I’m still genuinely so surprised I was able to do all of this while also juggling 4 classes and extracurriculars, and none of it would have been done without decent time management!

As for challenges, our biggest one that came with production was definitely making our genre, Western, come to life successfully. To make a good Western movie, one has to create believable costumes, plot, and find the perfect location! We had our doubts at first, and even considered switching genres at one point, but luckily our challenges with finding a good location and creating a good costume and plot have been overcome due to our overpowering dedication! YAY!!! We had two filming days, the first we shot about 90% of our footage, and the second we finished the remaining 10%!

I'm genuinely so grateful I was able to work with such amazing and talented people on this project. Since Zach, Nico, and Renn are all a part of CBTV and already have a handful of production experience under their belt, I have had the opportunity to witness absolute greatness during filming and post production and genuinely have become a lot more interested in film because of them, this project, and AICE media itself! Thank you all :)

FINN: Wow, what a journey! I would feel very proud of myself if I were you, Emi. 

EMI: aw shucks

Well Finn, I better start making my way to the airport! Flight to New York is in about 2 hours!

FINN: Oh, yes, right! I’ve been hearing around you have a big interview with Vanity Fair, best of luck on that!

EMI: Thanks Finn, loved the chat we had! See ya around!

FINN: Until next time!


(coming soon because I have to sleep, BUT THE PART I NEEDED TO GET DONE IS FINISHED!!! SO ITS OKAY!! BUENAS NOCHES!!!)

Saturday, March 15, 2025


HELLLOOOOO!!!!! Welcome back super awesome blog readers :D! It is a very nice Saturday afternoon and I’ve had a pretty good day so far! Only one thing is bringing it down

My pure exhaustion!!! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪

I'm burnt out!! ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪

I have been HARD at work these past few days with these blog posts and hella CCR stuff, and being honest, I’m actually making some pretty nice progress! BUT!!! but I'm really scared guys. My sworn enemy, Overthinking Emi, has been invading my mind lately saying shit like “Emi dude bro how are you going to edit both of these videos in a matter of a singular week??? What if it takes too long???? What if your computer crashes?? What if your computer crashes and explodes?? WHAT IF YOUR 

zoned out there whoops

But then Rational Emi came by and was all like “yeah okay but there shouldn’t be that much for you to edit, like sure yeah it’s going to take a while, maybe a couple long nights, but you’re not making a whole film, and definitely not implementing any super duper advanced editing skills as well. You'll be just fine.” And then, me, normal Emi, looked at both of these Emi’s and said “ AHHHHHHHHGHHGGGHHHGHG

Filming! Editing! Blogging!! The rest of my classes-ing!! Help!!! 


Alright!!! It’s now time for today’s super awesome topic: CCR QUESTION 3! TRES! INSERT THREE IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE!! We are now in a different territory, and that is the land of CCR video #2! So come on down and hear about my first draft ideas, challenges, and eventual enlightenment.

            For the thumbnail!! Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Thinking about what I was going to do for the second CCR video actually almost drove me to near insanity. Ever since my teacher told us that we oughta make our CCR’S creative (like how it says in the name ✌︎('ω')✌︎) , Overthinking Emi has been haunting my brain!!! GAAHHH!! My idea for the second video was originally going to be a professional looking interview, buttttttt that’s been seen, like many times before, and we need creativity!! Big time!! 

And so then I went on, thinkinggg and thinkingggg and thinkinggg and

AND THEN!!! I THOUGHT I GOT IT!!! This was my thought process:

So I didn’t finish typing this lolz BUT!! Here was what I intended to say before succumbing to the countless voices in my scatterbrain: What if the second video was a direct continuation from the first one and I basically did like a day in the life/picking an outfit for a big interview video?? For a second I was like, “yeah okay that seems fine” but then Overthinking Emi bursted in and yelled “ WAIT WAIT WAIT EMI BRO HELL NAH THIS IS A GRWM (get ready with me) DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT BRO WAI

Then I was like “ooooooo carpy ur kinda right GAH!! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO??” All hope seemed to be lost, with one undeveloped idea after another coming by every few minutes, BUT THEY WEREN’T ENOUGH!! I needed something creative, something enticing, SOMETHING NEW!! And then something extraordinary happened…A MIRACLE!!!

I had just finished my lang homework and decided to go take a a shower; as I was showering, I stopped and stared outside the window for a considerable amount of time and just thought for a second (i think) (i don't do that often)….until suddenly a big lightbulb popped into my scatterbrain and said

“Emi….EMI OMG. Whenever you so possibly can, you enjoy going outside and witnessing the great outdoors,  and you also really like plushies and stuff and and HOLY SHIT! YOU KNOW LIKE HOW SOME PEOPLE ONLINE WOULD GO OUTSIDE AND JUST SIT DOWN AND TALK TO THEIR VIEWERS??1?1? BRO BRO BRO BRO LISTEN TO THIS:

 It is the day of the big interview with Vanity Fair, and super famous actress Emi is suited up and ready to go once it is time. Before her interview, she goes to a park and just sits down and talks to her viewers about how she feels and all that good stuff!! HERE’S THE CATCH!!! While she’s chatting away, a creature (one of my plushies) comes up to her and is all like “oh man! You’re the super famous actress from that recent western film!!!” And then super famous actress Emi can be all like “yep that's me!! What's your name little guy?” And then and then and then they talk for a bit and then the creature is all like “how did your production skills develop through this project” and “what hardware/technology/the other stuff did you use?” and then super famous actress Emi answers those questions and then YAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! 

(he wasn't being dead ass about deleting his channel btw dw guys)

After thinking this idea up, my perspective on life very eyes, including my third one, opened wide and clearly....I COULD SEE IT ALL!!! IT WAS ALL MINE!!! MINE FOR THE TAKING!!!! MWWAHAHAHAHAHAHHHA MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHH MAWWAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!!!!!!!!

 ask Isa (bestie westie for life) bro

I was on call with her while this happened, and let's just say that when I thought up this idea, I felt the exact joy Dr. Frankenstein felt when he created his monster.

live footage

Joyful, rejuvenated, anew, I was reborn into a happier, better version of much so that Overthinking Emi and Rational Emi stayed quiet. QUIET!!!! It was just me! It felt right!!! 


Monkey business aside (guys we should use that phrase more often), I successfully came up with a decent idea and got some nice feedback from two loved ones when I told them! When I proposed my idea to Isa with total excitement and ebullience in my voice (that's an aice lang vocab word), she was all like "That's so hella, maybe I can help out" and then I was like "OHOOHOHO HELL YEAH!!! What would you like to help out with? :D" and then she said "lol idk anything really." With that in mind, I thought for a moment....hmmmmmm........OH!!!! THE CREATURE NEEDS A VOICE!!! WHAT IF ISA VOICE ACTS AS THE CREATURE?? Isa then agreed to do so, and with that, until further notice, I have a supporting role in my second CCR! Isa as the creature!!!! YAYY!!! Thanks dude :D

When I told my brother about my idea, he responded with "Dude, I'm surprised you came up with this idea while sober" and I was like "BAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHIAHHA yeah" WHO AM I.
He also suggested that I could use the current song we were listening to in my video, and I was like "wait but copyright" and then he was all like "Emi, this is like the oldest song in the world tf you mean copyright"

he was deadass

If you're asking why we were listening to this, it's because my brother put on a super duper mixed genre playlist that was actually all over the place. I'm not kidding when I say that we went from rap to Mongolian throat singing in a matter of 2 minutes.

Hurrian Hymn no.6 perfectly matched my beautiful explanation of my idea, and so you know what brother? Maybe I will use it!!! It is quite literally an ancient song and the artist is kinda like long gone, SO WE WILL SEE!! Thanks buddy.

So far for this second CCR video, I'm planning on filming outside in my backyard, with a fancy suit or fancy anything on because the super famous actress version of myself is about to be going into an interview with Vanity Fair. The creature will most likely be a bunny or some other woodland creature, but most likely a bunny BECAUSE I CAN'T STOP PICTURING A BUNNY!!!! But that could change :D We will see :D

SO YEAH!!! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, which is hella, BUT I STILL GOT MORE WEIGHTS!! Writing the script, filming, and editing is up next for this video! Overthinking Emi is scared, Rational Emi is indifferent, but I myself know that everything will turn out okay! WE GOT THIS!!

With all of the idea proposed and said, I will now share the script for the first half of the video right down below! :D YAY!!


EMI sits down on her desk, chair facing the camera like CCR 1.

EMI: Well my friends….the time has come. I’m excited to say that today is finally the day of the interview! WOOHOO!! The outfit goes crazy right?

To be honest, the nerves are high right now, and there are about 3 and a half hours before it’s time to walk into Vanity Fair’s studio, so to calm myself down and make time seemingly go by slower, I oughta take us out on a walk! VAMONOS!!

EMI holds the camera while walking outside to the local park that’s totally not my backyard, calm music playing in the background.

EMI sets down the camera at a good spot and sits down.

EMI: ….Man…throughout all my years in the film industry, I never ever thought I would make it this far. Who knew that the small little projects made for school eventually led to…THIS?? It’s truly unbelievable bro..


EMI: I feel a tapping on my back..(FINN shows up right next to EMI) GAH!!

FINN: Hello there Emi! Beautiful day isn’t it?

EMI: Woah! Uh…hi? I had no idea animals could talk holy crap

FINN: We can! You humans just don’t sit down and listen a whole lot!

EMI: Ah well, yeah that makes sense. Wait! You know my name???

FINN: Oh why of course! You’re Emi Valdivia, star actress of Death Wears a Dress, correct? I absolutely adored your film, your performance was extraordinary!

EMI: Yep that’s me!! Glad you liked the film Finn! did you watch it? Genuinely curious.

FINN: Just at the film festival that took place here not too long ago. I along with many other of my friends were invested!

EMI: Ahhh that sounds about right! Cool to hear!

FINN: Yes, indeed! Ever since then I’ve been genuinely curious…how did your production skills develop throughout the production of the film?

EMI: Hmph, well! The biggest thing that this project taught me, was for sure and absolutely time management. As someone who attempts to create her own projects, whether that be comic books, short stories, or full fledged art projects, I have been a victim to the slimy hands of inconsistency since the very beginning of it all. As a starring actress, costume designer, character designer, and storyboarder, I had a handful of tasks to take care of, therefore I had to juggle my time at certain moments! I admit that these jobs aren’t as huge as director or editor, but I still had to stay vigilant and on task these past 8 weeks; spending a whole day solely for developing Charlotte and Phillip, hours designing Charlotte’s costume and giving it meaning, having to show up on set both filming days, ready to go and film for hours in the steaming sun with full sleeved clothing on, and writing 4 blogs a week on all of these things and then some on top of it!! I’m still genuinely so surprised I was able to do all of this while also juggling 4 classes and extracurriculars, and none of it would have been done without decent time management!

As for challenges, our biggest one that came with production was definitely making our genre, Western, come to life successfully. To make a good Western movie, one has to create believable costumes, plot, and find the perfect location! We had our doubts at first, and even considered switching genres at one point, but luckily our challenges with finding a good location and creating a good costume and plot have been overcome due to our overpowering dedication! YAY!!! We had two filming days, the first we shot about 90% of our footage, and the second we finished the remaining 10%!

I'm genuinely so grateful I was able to work with such amazing and talented people on this project. Since Zach, Nico, and Renn are all a part of CBTV and already have a handful of production experience under their belt, I have had the opportunity to witness absolute greatness during filming and post production and genuinely have become a lot more interested in film because of them, this project, and AICE media itself! Thank you all :)


YAYYYY!! 3/4 BLOGS DONE FOR THIS WEEK!! As I continue on completing more and more things with this CCR business, I feel genuinely so much more relieved and better bro, I love u blogger.

Anyway, I've had a pretty packed and hella day!! HERE'S SOME EVENTS!! 

At around 12 pm, my brother wanted to head out to Tate's (comic + video game + video store) to search for the new Sonic IDW volume that supposedly just came out! YAY! I LOVE COMICS AND I WANTED VOLUME 2 OF TMNT IDW COMICS!! WIN-WIN!! So I of course tagged along with him :D!! On the car ride there, I told him all about my super awesome 2nd CCR idea and got what I think was good feedback that I told you about up there^^^! Once we arrived to the store, I immediately ran to the TMNT section like a totally normal and sane person would and searched for the 2nd IDW volume and I FOUND IT!!! HERE LOOK!!


My brother unfortunately did not find Sonic IDW volume 5 but we still had a super awesome time looking through the store and stuff! I felt like I truly belonged there guys, I loved being in the same place with fellow weirdos. 

After Tate's, we went to an anime store to see if they had any video game stuff and for the gits and shiggles. It was baller! There was a plethora of plushies, figures, posters, keychains, pins, YOU NAME IT! We didn't buy anything though because none of it piqued our interest all that much due to the fact we are not all that into anime but more so video games. BALLER! 

Also check out this insane song we listened to while on the way there: 

After a lot more adventure at Barnes and Noble, we returned to our humble abode and chilled until it was time to go leave to have lunch with the fam!! We ate sushi and stuff it was really hecking good!!

With all that said, I must leave you all as I must begin working on the stuff needed for tomorrow's filming which include 2 drawings, some decorated boxes, and the letters!! HELL YEAH TIME FOR A LATE NIGHT WORKING SESH!!! I'll see you all later super awesome blog readers! Buenos whatever time it is for you!! :D

Friday, March 14, 2025


Heyooo super awesome blog readers!!! HAPPY FRI(YAY)!!!!!! ITS FINALLY THE END OF THE WEEK!!! LETS GOOOOOOOOO!!!! Today has genuinely been such a great day so far and I’m currently going out with my family to go see the Lion King musical!! WOOHOO!! So chances are Ill be coming back home to a late night blog post session :3 gosh i love those nights.

Before diving into more CCR stuff, I have to first tell you all about the super awesome 2nd and most likely the last group meeting!! :D On Wednesday, my teacher grouped us up and I ended up in a table with my fellow peers, Isabelle, Ale, Mariana, Jano, and Sofia! Here’s a super awesome summary of what went down :D! 


For this meeting, we were expected to not only show what we have done so far with the production of our opener, but also share our ideas for both CCR videos!! Unfortunately, we got side tracked way too much throughout the meeting, so we really were only able to share mostly CCR stuffs… but HEY!! Tstok now knows about shadow boxing because of that so I call it a half success!! >:D (i wish i was joking) I will now share what each group member had to say including myself!! :D

1. EMI (ME!)

BLOG LINK: here doofus

I started off first by sharing my blog with the group, and Isabelle told me I have a very pretty blog and I was all like YAYYY!! Thank you :DD!!! 

guys im trying my best not to fall asleep during this car ride please help

The group then asked me what I was going to do for my CCR’s, and I told them that I was planning on 

holy shit my eyes are just getting heavier


The group then asked me what I was going to do for my CCR'S, and I told them that I was planning on creating a fan mail unboxing video for the first CCR and a professional interview for the second! I explained to them the general premise of the video, basically saying that it revolved around a super famous actress version of me making a YouTube video about unboxing fan mail before picking out her outfit for the big interview she's scheduled for the following week! The feedback was good, especially for the fan mail idea, with the group agreeing I had a good and “smart” idea as they said I can include and make my own stuff for it! Thanks guys!! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪

I don't have any pictures showing what I'm imagining this video to be like BUT HERE'S THE INSPIRATION!!! the goat

 I however was still a bit skeptical about my first idea but now I feel a lot better about it after writing all my thoughts out on the last blog post! YAY!! As for the interview, I didn’t get much feedback, but that’s mainly due to the typical sidetrack. I think a different idea for CCR 2 will come into fruition shortly, so stay tuned!!! 



For his first CCR, Jano was thinking of doing a street interview where he suddenly gets stopped by a fan/interviewer (?) and gets asked 2 CCR questions! He then told us that he wasn't so sure what to do for his second CCR but had a vague idea of doing a vlog inspired video where he documents his day while also answering the questions, which then led to Isabelle proposing expanding that idea for him, basically saying that his second video could be a vlog where he shows the opener set while also answering the questions as well!

what I'm imagining Jano's possible video to be like!

Through looking at Jano's blog, he and his partner are currently on the post production stage! I also found out that during this group meeting that for his opener, he used a fake tattoo for his arm which I think is really hecking cool, so I'll be looking forward to seeing that get featured! YAY!



Mariana then went on and told us that her first CCR production, she wants to do a Vogue-like "what's in my purse" video by showing props she used during filming for her opener, which I think is pretty creative! YAY! While explaining this idea, Mariana also talked a bit about her film, with the plot basically being about a girl completing a bucket list of different things before she graduates, which I thought was super awesome! Through looking at Mariana and her group member's blogs, they are currently on the editing stage of production and will be done soon!

As for the second CCR, she said she had no idea what to do, and so the group suggested that she can do a get ready on set and could maybe get someone else besides herself to do her makeup to make it seem more professional! I think this may be a bit too close to a GRWM(get ready with me) that you Cambridge lads have probably seen countless of times already, so chances are this idea may not come out victorious. WE WILL SEE!!

my bum hurts



Isabelle told us that for her first CCR, she would like to do a day in the life video which is basically like a video documenting a day like in the life...BAHAHHA WAIT ITS IN THE NAME

chat how is it already almost midnight what the fart

Isabelle however was a bit doubtful about this idea as she didn't think it was all that creative, so much so that she asked Tstok about it. She requested to Isabelle that if she was going to do a day in the life video, that she would have to stylize it, add personality, and make it original to herself! Hell yeah!! This suggestion then made us think for a second and eventually Isabelle thought of making her first CCR about her in a mock trial answering questions as a witness, and the second CCR about football where she will be interviewed as a football player after the game. YAY!!

By looking through her blog, Isabelle and her group are currently on the post production stage of the project, getting closer to finishing as we speak! HURRAH!!!

5. ALE


While she was sharing her ideas, one of them involving making a shadowboxing CCR video, which is basically what it sounds like, Tstok came by to check on us which caused Ale to ask her about the shadowboxing idea which very much did lead to confusion BAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA this was then followed by a demonstration that I almost had a coughing attack to. and Tstok eventually turned the idea down after a while. What a core memory.

Through conversation, Ale eventually ended up with two general ideas for her CCR videos: the first one being about her right after getting surgery, getting asked questions by the surgeon, and the second one being a video comedically responding to hate towards her film! With more development, these ideas can be made into something really creative and unique, so I'll be looking forward to seeing them soon!

Reading her blog, Ale is currently stuck in a rut with her project, as she hasn't had the greatest opportunities to film yet and also hasn't edited. I'm wishing her the best of luck for the next week! The looming date is only getting closer GAAAHHHHHHH



Wrapping up the meeting, Sofia told us that her first CCR idea is going to be a breaking news broadcast talking about her film and answering the 2 questions as her opener has a breaking news segment in it! Baller!! :DD For her second video, Sofia was thinking of doing a cooking channel type video where she is baking a cake or some other food, with the final product being the film opener! The whole group thought these ideas were pretty creative, especially the first one! 

From her blog, Sofia is currently in the post production stage and has already filmed everything, so things should be done shortly! WOOHOO!!


HOLY SHIT ITS DONE. Guys pls give me a medal these blogs are heavy duty work (HAHAHAHAH SHE SAID DOODY) nah but for real though, I'm genuinely really tired and a bit maybe a bit burnt out from the events and assignments of this week. I still have a lot more carpy carp to get done but I GOT THIS! Emi gets through things and PERSERVES!!! >:DD 

Today was bonkers man. School today was an absolute study hall which is a HUGE hell yeah because guess who needed to get hella work done??? ME!!!! I got a huge ass sociology paper done, finished up chemistry assignments, and the 1st blogpost for this week!! OHHH YEAAHHHHHH!!! 

I would also like to briefly mention today's lunch because Renn at some point was all like, "emi ur going to mention this in your blog, I know it" AND HERE I AM!! hi renn >:D Today's lunch was very funni and laffs and stuff . 

While we were walking to the catwalk, Renn told me that his window looks out to the east and then I said "oh I think mine looks out west but idk though", then Renn was all like "do you see the sun through your window?" and then I said "nah but I see like the sunlight rays yk what I mean" and then he was all like "do you see the sun though" and then I became very confused for a long moment and deeply thought about it for a good second, and then I zoned back into reality and heard Renn say again "emi do you see the sun when you look out the window" and then I said "uuuuhhhhhhhhhhh, like the big yellow ball in the sky?" and then, slowly losing his marbles, Renn said "yes emi, do you see the big yellow orb called the sun through your window in the sky??!?!???" 

I started laughing uncontrollably

My final answer, I FINALLY UNDERSTOOD, was "no" and then Renn, a bit more sane now, asked "when you look to the sides outside your window do you see the sun on your right or left?" AND I UNDERSTOOD IMMEDIATELY!! My answer was "right" and with that we finally, FINALLY confirmed that my window looks out to the west. HELL YEAH FOR MY BRAIN DEFECIENCY!!

guys its almost 2 am I need to sleep

Today I also watched the Lion King musical with my super awesome family and it was insane, like everything was so hella cool and it was baller u shuld check it out


Thursday, March 13, 2025


 Heeyyyaa friends! :D Happy officially the second to last week of this project!! Bro time FLIES. It literally felt like yesterday when I made that transition post...BUT IT'S BEEN 2 MONTHS??? HELLO???? Anyway I'm happy to be back here :D I've had a pretty awesome day today, CRAZY FOR A MONDAY!!

(Cambridge i made this first half on a monday sorey if i threw you off again lolz)

 I had a nice relaxing day of school followed by an art club meeting that I was low key very unhinged at (in a good way) due to my everlasting sickness.....GUYS I KEPT COUGHING, ALL DAY EVERYDAY GUYS IT WOULDN'T STOP



(^^^me rn)

SO!!! CCR TIME!! THAT'S OUR TOPIC!! HELL YEAH!! If you remember from last time, I talked all about my overall idea for the 1st CCR video and shared the first part of the script answering the 1st question out of 2! And so that meansss DING DING DING!! YOU'RE RIGHT! Today is going to be all about CCR question 2!! :D So without further to do, let's get right into it!!

For the thumbnail!!! (me rn) 

(me rn) (me rn)

(me rn)


SO!!! Last media class, my teacher has made a grand announcement that truly knocked my socks off....ready?? You're not ready bro watch

Our CCR's have to be creative :(


As you already know (if ur a dedicated blog reader of mine), my idea for the first CCR video was an unboxing fan mail video taking inspiration mostly from CoryxKenshin's similar content, starring a super famous actress Emi! Sadly though, this is a thing that very much exists on the internet and therefore has been seen many times (sadface). Ever since this realization, I've been silently stressing about these CCR's along with my other things, and so I must find a way to create an even more original product here and now on this blog to make the voices that haunt my very soul every single day go away :D YAYYYY!!!!

 BUT!!! DON’T FRET!! Literally absolutely nothing in this whole wide world is entirely original so I have some hope here! I need to find a way to make this idea not a copy and paste one but one with my own original flare and design!! Knowing myself, I’ll think I’ll be able to make this idea my own in one way or another :D HELL YEAH!!


guys im going to sleep I'll be right back nighty night 

OKIE DOKIE IM BACK!! guys its been such a logn week

So! This idea! Thankfully I have decided to include not only just letters from fans, but also actual gifts from my hypothetical fans; But I'm still thinking of ways to totally "emify" a fan mail unboxing video and I think I have a few decent proposals. To start off, today I thought to myself, what makes me, me?? It took me a second, but after maybe a single car ride to Flanigan's (the best restaurant in the world mind you), I came up with a number of stuffs :D:


-ART!! (DRAWWWINGGG!!!! and painting sometimes :D

-ART!! (music version) (saxophone) (doot doot)


a collection of purple items I had on me during school today (edit made on Fri(yay)  3/14/25 (pie day)

-TMNT! (the obsession only grows)

-COMIC BOOKS! the amount of actual books I read is concerning (by that I mean the number is very little BAHAHAHHAHA who said that)

-VIDEO GAMES! Whenever I can (mostly on breaks because school kicks my ass), I sit myself down and PLAY!!! (fav games are listed on the side) (guys should I play marvel rivals) I''m looking forward to doing so this spring break!! YAY!

-PLUSHIES! (I have a whole treasure chest and then some filled with them)

And yeah that's all I got for now :D!

Taking all these things into consideration, I thought for a moment how I was going to implement these things and after a second my silly scatterbrain was all like "YO EMI! THE SET! MAKE IT LIKE..MAKE IT YOU!!" and then I was all like "yo wait that's actually fire I may do just that!" I know I'm supposed to talk about production set in other post BUT LEMME JUST MENTION IT REAL QUICK! 

As said in the script, throughout the video, I'm supposed to be sitting on a bean bag in my game room and stuff, and yeah that's pretty awesome! I consider myself to be a strong bean bag aficionado so that works just fine, but how about some decoration? That would make it all 10x more awesome! I have a number of plushies in my room that I could move there, like my big Pikachu and Blinky the ghost (from Pacman) plushie....AND A LOT MORE that I totally cannot remember at the moment because there are just so many. Maybe I should put plushies on the "What makes Emi, Emi?" list now that I think about it...

Along with all the amazing plushies, I'm also thinking in depth about what exactly to put inside each of the boxes themselves too! As I've seen in CoryxKenshin's videos, a number of fans love to send fanart! And you already know about my love for art! So guess who's drawing all of the fanart! MEEE!!! I'm going to be sure to draw each fanart in a different style so it won't be redundant and repetitive and stuff so YAY! More work to do but that doesn't matter because it's not math or lang homework so I'll be happy :D! 

Apart from fanart,  I'm also thinking of including things in the boxes from my specific interests like TMNT, sonic, spider-man...YOU NAME IT!!! I have a plethora of items from each of these things including but not limited to t-shirts, comic books, funko pops, socks, sweatshirts, stickers, beanie, pins, posters, OH COB, YOU NAME IT!!! The reaction that I will have to this stuff is going to be very similar and almost on the same level to the reactions I have in real life, here wait let me summarize my reaction to receiving a TMNT beanie for Christmas: AHHAFAHSFASFAHFHASFGUAUDGFASHFGASGF GOMGEROHNEWUOGBAEYIGJKMEA

Guys I just recorded grunting noises for the opener in the middle of a hallway isn't that so cool and awesome   (edit made on Fri(yay)  3/14/25 (pie day)

emi caveman? (edit made on Fri(yay)  3/14/25 (pie day)

I'm also thinking about wearing an outfit that will be the actual embodiment of myself, but that's not at the upmost importance for now, WE WILL COME BACK!!

 As of right now, I feel like everything will be alright with this first CCR, I'm going to style things up with set design, include some of my own original art, and OH I HAVEN'T MENTIONED THIS YET but I have a little skit at the beginning of the video to serve as a baller introduction! I have a feeling everything will be just fine :)

The real big bad however, is the second video.........I told you all before that it was going to be a professional-like interview, but I HAVE TO ADD THE FLARE!!! As the day goes on, I'm going to continue to think up of ways to "emify" this interview or maybe come up with a new idea altogether! WE WILL SEE! AND IT WILL BE DONE SO SOON! BECAUSE THE LOOMING DEADLINE IS LIKE RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW IN THIS ROOM WITH ME READY TO POUNCE AT ANY MOMENT!!!!!! 

guys I just laughed really hard in class and coughed like an old man with chronic tuberculosis it was really funny  (edit made on Fri(yay)  3/14/25 (pie day)

nico is currently swooning over young stalin  (edit made on Fri(yay)  3/14/25 (pie day)

OKAY WE ARE BACK!!! Now that I have expanded on my idea, I will now share with you all my expanded script! In here, I answered question 2 of the CCR, how does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?



Here's a screenshot from Renn further proving this has happened:


EMI is sitting on her main desk, the chair turned back to face the camera

EMI: Hello everyone, Emi here! It is officially now a week until my big interview with Vanity Fair where I talk all about the film I produced for and starred in, Death is No Friend! So because of this, I thought I could make today’s vlog all about choosing the best outfit and-



Door opens and a bunch of boxes get dropped on the floor

EMI picks up one of the boxes and looks at the camera

EMI: (laughs) You serious??

NEW SETTING! Another room (my game room) with a red bean bag on the side

Boxes get dropped and EMI sits down on bean bag

EMI (humorous tone):  So uh..clearly, a lot has come in the past month. You guys are wild. (she lays out her hands towards the boxes) LIKE LOOK AT THIS!

EMI: I genuinely did not expect this to come up, but yes, I have got an absolute overflow of mail from you guys…so guess what we are going to do first instead?? YOU GUESSED IT! ITS FAN MAIL TIME! However, I'm only going to unbox about 4 of these boxes because I still got outfit business to take care of right after this! So with that being said, lets get on with it!

EMI pulls out a box

EMI: First up, we got Ryan from California!

EMI opens the box and reacts to each thing Ryan sent which includes: Fanart, a plushie, and then the letter.

EMI (reading Ryan’s letter): Yooo Emi!! Love your vids and movies!! Death Wears a Dress was an absolute banger and your performance was outstanding!

By the way, I got a question for ya. I got inspired to make a film of my own and figured you might know a thing or two!

How does your film use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

Thanks so much!

EMI: Of course Ryan! Thank you for all the awesome gifts!

“Death Wears a Dress” follows a good amount of conventions while also challenging huge parts of em! A number of Western films have the common theme of moral ambiguity, which basically means they feature situations and conflicts that really question who is in the right and in the wrong. So it’s no surprise we chose to do it ourselves with our plot by asking the question: Is Charlotte truly in the wrong for murdering her boss out of self defense? Or would she be considered evil and a criminal?

With visual conventions, Western films most of the time have their main characters wear the iconic cowboy hat and outfit, completed with boots! In our film, Charlotte sports a black cowboy hat, red vest, brown pants, and black boots, all of which provide meaning to her character and screams to all, “HEY! YOU’RE WATCHING A WESTERN FILM!”

We also challenge a huge convention in Western films by having a female protagonist!! YAYY!! Most, if not almost all Western films star male protagonists who are typically characterized as individualistic, tough, and rugged; women however, are barely acknowledged, and if they are, they are mostly portrayed as the “damsel in distress” or “saloon girl.” This representation can reinforce the subordination of women and patriarchal norms, which isn’t very awesome. Our film, however, stars a woman who takes on the predominantly male cowboy role...CHARLOTTE!

As for representing social groups, by using gender performativity theory, which basically says that gender is socially constructed, instead of her being a damsel in distress or any other harmful stereotype, our opener will portray Charlotte as a capable, independent, and tough individual. This choice will challenge the gender barrier that most Westerns have and will have the chance to normalize these roles for women, further influencing societal expectations to be more accepting of them!

Regarding her costume, we decided to have Charlotte wear brown pants and a deep red vest. The pants are meant to defy gender norms that were especially present in the 1800’s, and the vest is meant to convey her strength, establishing that she is not one to be messed with!

Alright onto the next one…

EMI grabs next box

Here we got Leandro from Ohio! Let’s see whats up.

EMI opens the box and reacts to each thing Leandro sent, which include: Sonic lego set, Sonic rubber duck, Sonic shirt, and the letter.

EMI (reading Leandro’s letter): Heyo Emi! I’m Leandro and I really like your content almost as much as I love Sonic. (I really like Sonic). I’m really looking forward to that big interview you got next week, and will forsure be the first viewer! Also, I got a question regarding your most recent film, Death Wears a Dress, and it would be so awesome if you answer:

How does your film engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

I appreciate it :)

EMI: Hell yeah Leandro! Thank you for all the Sonic stuff, they will definitely be put into use! Now to answer your question! The typical western target audience consists of older, middle aged men due to prominent masculine themes such as action, violence, and greed with another main factor of appeal in western films being their vast landscapes and nature! However, since the 1960’s,the popularity of traditional Western films has been going downhill due to the genre being outdated and competition with other genres like drama, action, and crime.

A Fistful of Dollars (1964)

To spice things up and appeal to more contemporary younger audiences as well, we decided to challenge the male dominated role of the cowboy by making our main character a woman! A cowgirl!! Our film interacts with these audiences through the theme of moral ambiguity while also including violence throughout as well! Taking the rest of these appeals into consideration, we decided to incorporate multiple long shots of Charlotte trudging through the wild west in our film in order to show off the setting and truly establish its Western genre, and as the viewers are older and are more likely to enjoy things reminiscent of the past, we decided to also implement old Western-like fonts to mimic the old Western films of the past!

Font we are thinking of using!

As for distributing our film as a real media text, “Death Wears a Dress” will be released on YouTube and will be displayed at the Lightning Film Festival being hosted by our school on April 4th, and the Gateway Cinema at Fort Lauderdale! We want to reach a wider audience than our target, so it only makes sense to make it available on YouTube and in person events attracting younger and older audiences alike!

EMI grabs another box

EMI: Oh, this next one looks exciting, Terry from Virginia! Let’s see what's up

EMI opens the box and reacts to each thing Finn sent which include a teddy bear, fanart, and the letter

EMI (reading Terry's letter):  Hi Emi, I’m Terry and I’m 10 years old. You’re my favorite actress ever and I really liked Death Wears a Dress. I hope you like my drawing and gator plushie.

From Terry.

EMI: YOOOO thanks so much Terry!! It’s really nice knowing that I have a very diverse audiences of all ages! Shout out to your super awesome parents for letting you watch Death Wears a Dress, I’ve been hearing mixed parental reviews on it, but from my standpoint…it’s really not that bad. BUT THAT’S UP TO YOU GUYS!! Stay vigilant or whatever :D Also this fanart will go up on my fridge, like come on its just too cute.

EMI: Alrighty, last one is….Soccer Ball??

EMI grabs and opens last box and reacts to each thing that Soccer Ball sent to her which includes a TMNT beanie, funko pop, and shirt.

EMI (reading Soccer Ball’s letter): Ems! Emster! Eminem!! What’s up dawg, it’s me soccer ball (totally not anyone you know). Congrats on your most recent super cool cowboy film! Must have taken hella hardwork and dedication my dude. Hope you enjoyed the gifts, especially the beanie.

Also good luck on that interview next week. Aight cya.

EMI: Hmmmmm,Soccer Ball….I’ve heard this name before a long while ago….wait a sec, Eminem?? I DO KNOW YOU!!! I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!! YOUR ACTUAL NAME IS LIKE..NOT COMING TO ME THOUGH!! BUT I KNOW YOU!! You will now be venerated for the rest of your life due to these amazing gifts, and for your birthday I’ll give you a large amount of batman toys.

EMI’s alarm rings 

EMI: Annddd that’s time!!! I only got about 3 or so boxes left, but keep em coming everyone! I promise I’ll get to yours eventually, but for now I must begin deciding on how to present myself at the interview with Vanity Fair!! OOO THE HEEBIE JEEBIES!!!!!


GUYS HOLY CRAP THE WEEK IS ALMOST OVER. I'm genuinely so very incredibly sorry for not posting until today my super awesome blog readers (sad face) I've had quite the eventful and homework filled week. Since AICE and EOC exams are coming up, most of my classes are going crazy with the work load at the moment and GAGERHAGHRAEGH but not you aice media I love u aice media 


Today was the notorious concert band MPA day, and OH MAN it's been quite a long day. Emi what the freak is concert MPA? It's basically just a music assessment, like you go perform at another school with your band to receive ratings from a bunch of highly esteemed band directors and YEAH! It's pretty cool :D The ratings are in this order: poor, fair, good, excellent, and superior!! Guess what the Cypress Bay Wind Ensemble got???? you can never guess 


Here is some lovely multimedia of our performance, with one pov video of me playing the march and NOT the overtures because they are a gazillion years long but just pretend you heard them and thought they sounded really awsome and amazing! YAY! 


After concert MPA, I went back to my lovely home and immediately took a shower and put on some clothes (and worked a bit on this blog post) because my brother, dad and I were gonna go to FLANIGANNNSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! OHOHOOHOHOH YEAHHHHHH!! If you know me well, you KNOW that I absoluetly ADORE Flanigan ribs to an unhealthy degree. I have this thing that I do on my end of year Instagram posts where I post a picture of a full rack of Flanigan ribs and then another of the same thing but completely EATEN! Just gotta show the world how much I love them >:D!!!!

i don't play guys

live footage

ANYWAY HOLY CARP I NEED TO FINISH THIS BLOG!!!! I'm deadass when I say I've been working on this thing the whole week SO I MUST FINISH. LIKE NOW. I NEED TO MOVE ON!!!!!!! So with that, I will now leave and go SLEEP!!! Goodnight/whatever time it is for you, super awesome blog readers!! See you real soon! :DDDDD


 HELLO ALL! Happiest of Sunday's :DD!!!! I've been having a MEDIA FILLED day so far bro I'm actually not joking. I began my day ...