Friday, March 7, 2025


 Good morning or whatever time it is for you super awesome blog readers! :D HAPPY FRI(YAY)!! I'm so stoked for the weekend, I swear this week has been the longest/fastest of my life. I'm currently in first period and finished all of my work, so HERE I AM! About to write for you all :D Today we are going to talk some more about editing as yesterday we recorded the voice overs!! VAMONOS!!

For the thumbnail! :D They're running away from bounty hunters isn't that so awesome


So yesterday in media, the only thing we had to do in class were the blog posts; so with that, our group decided to go record the VO to get it out of the way! To get good quality audio, we went to the TV room's recording studio and stayed there for a good 30 or so minutes as we did multiple takes for both lines we had to record! 

In the script, it's written that Charlotte has 4 lines of VO, but we temporarily decided to not include the last two because it might give too much of the plot away. This choice can change, but for now until further notice, that's how it's going to be :D!

ALL THE LINES! The last two are not going to be recorded for now :))

The recording session went pretty well! :D I was directed to say my lines with conviction and an almost pondering tone, and I had a not so difficult time doing so! In the first take of the first line, I delivered it just fine, but at the end of the recording, my breath was like WOOOOSSHHHH, and that didn't sound so hella. After the second/third takes, I was told to say the line with more conviction and to maybe separate each word a bit more, and the next take ended up being the best one! YAY!! For the second line, I had the same direction, and was told to say "die" with a ponderous and almosttt dramatic tone. Eventually, we got a pretty solid recording for both of the lines and Zach put them into Premiere Pro to test it out! Check it :))

VO RESULTS!! Hella right :DD

I'm proud to say we are getting closer to finishing up the editing process! The only thing left we need to do with this opener is film some reshoots and missing shots on filming day 2, which will be this Sunday!! :D YAY!! So happy to put on my awesome costume again >:DD!!


WWOOOAAHHHHHHH guys I think this is the first time I ever finished a blog post IN SCHOOL! CRAZY!!! First period is about to end so I must put my computer away, but in 2nd period I'll talk more!! BE RIGHT BACK!!

Hello all this is second period Emi!! Homeroom just started and I have a little minute to finally conclude. YAY!! Only 2 more periods left in the day, then afterschool band stuff, AND I'M HOME FREE!! I think when I get home, I'm gonna start thinking about what to do for the CCR because I need to make a post on that, and if I don't, I'M TOAST!! Only got 2 more days left of postings guys, I gotta make the most of it >:DD 

Anyway, I must now put away this computer, drink water, and stare off into the distance until the bell rings! See you all later, BYE BYE!!

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HELLLOOOOO!!!!! Welcome back super awesome blog readers :D! It is a very nice Saturday afternoon and I’ve had a pretty good day so far! Only...