What upppp!!!! :D Happy 2 days until Fri(yay) everyone! Today was pretty cool beans, all my classes were pretty relaxed and 2 of my teachers weren't here today so that added 10x to the relaxation! HELLA!! Today I'll be talking all about editing as our main editor, Zach, has begun on it soon after filming day 1 and some good progress on it has been made! (and also because I'm required to lolz) LETS GO!
(I made this first half on a Wensday, sorry if I threw u off again Cambridge)
EL PROCESO DE EDICION! (the editing process) (guys I genuinely could not think of a title for a solid 5 minutes BAHHHAAHA)
Over the past week, Zach completed the line edit! Soon after, he sent it to the group for feedback, and we all thought it flowed pretty well! I especially thought it was so awesome because THAT'S MEEE!!!! CLIPS OF ME! EDITED ALL IN ONE PLACE! YAY!! There are also a few shots that we would like to reshoot on filming day 2 as well as our missing shot featuring the picture of Phillip that will be edited in once we have finished doing so!
Another thing that was shown along with the line edit was...MUSICA! Me gusta musica :DD! Zach put over some Western-like music, and I think it goes pretty well with the footage shown! However, since there are A LOT more music options out there in the great big sea of internet, chances are this won't be kept. WE WILL SEE!
In editing, we are also working on color grading! We are going for warmer colors to make the grass look less green which will further add to the western feel and setting we are going for! Luckily, the setting that we chose had semi dead grass, meaning our raw footage looks somewhat believable regarding typical Western colors and setting! YAY! Down below you will see screenshots from Premiere Pro showing two different color graded shots that Zach sent to the group chat for judgement on which is better!
Editing overall is going pretty awesome right now, the line edit is smooth, and the color palette looks hella!! As for now, we still have to record the voice over for some scenes as well as add in a bit more footage to put in after filming day two! I'll be looking forward to see the final product very soon! YAYYY!!!!
My super awesome blog viewers, I sincerely apologize for not immediately being present this week! I spent the first half of the week working on the only production post for this week that will be posted on Sunday night and it took me quite a while to get the first section done BAHAHAH but since it is a Thursday, I must post this so I don't become burnt toast by Sunday 11:59 pm WOOOHOOO!!! Life is so hella guys.
As for now, my best friend would like to play Royal High on Roblox with me for the gits and shiggles, so I must now take my eyes away from the bright white glow of this screen and make them look at an even brighter and colorful one! YIPPEEE!!! Goodnight all :D or morning or afternoon or dusk, dawn YEAHHHH!!!!!
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