Sunday, March 16, 2025


 HELLO ALL! Happiest of Sunday's :DD!!!! I've been having a MEDIA FILLED day so far bro I'm actually not joking. I began my day by immediately finishing up the "fanart" for the first CCR video and totally did not take about almost 2 hours to finish BAHAHAHHA who said that.  I then spent the rest of my countless hours filming the first page of my first CCR video and it low key went successfully! YAY! I still have a lot to film but that's tomorrow and the day after's business! I expect to be fully finished with filming the first video by Wednesday and will spend the rest of the week filming CCR 2! By Fri(yay) all of filming should be done and the whole weekend will be for editing! HELL YEAH!!! THE VOICES ARE GONE!! FOR NOW!! 

guys I got a haircut and my bangs are a lot shorter I feel strange

BUT ALAS!!!!!!!! TODAY'S TOPIC!! I HAVE TO GO TO SLEEP LIKE REALLY SOON! SO LET'S GET TO IT!!! CCR QUESTION 4!! Here I'll just be answering the question and sharing the script along with it and maybe some extra stuff if I feel like it! So with that, VAMONOS!!!

FOR THE THUMBNAIL!!! this is so cool guys


So I'm still very satisfied with my current idea for CCR 2 and more excited to film it! So we are going to keep it!! YAY!! As for question 4, it was quite the easy one to answer! We used a wide variety of technology in all forms and shapes and stuffs, and this beautiful site does indeed count! So you already know I mentioned it! Very thoroughly! Love you blogger!

With that said, here's my super awesome response to question 4: 

TECH TECH TECH! Oh man, what a useful tool. Every single form of it, hardware, software, and online, has truly made an impact on the production of our opener!

With hardware, we used Zach’s (as Renn would say it) amazing, beautiful, bar of gold, camera to film! This camera captured a plethora of juicy ass shots and definitely made our opener a lot more visually appealing! Along with that, we also used a tiny little microphone that was clipped to my clothes to get the best audio quality we can get, especially for the digging sound effect! Also fun fact, we didn’t have a tripod for the camera and instead, Zach and Renn used a tube light to keep it stable, YAY FOR MAKESHIFT TRIPODS!!

For software, we used Adobe Premiere Pro, where Zach worked on the line edit and color grading, and After Effects, where Renn worked on the graphics for our opener! Premiere Pro really helped us with color as most of the shots we got were a bit too bright due to the ever shining glow of the sun, while After Effects allowed for the title and deserved credits to be displayed when needed!

As for online, oh man, oh man, ONLINE! Blogger. Blogger has been absolutely everything to me since the very beginning of this project!!! It has helped me plan, with the characters, costume design, and storyboard and also assisted in calming down the overbearing voices that stressed me out about the project, especially during these last two weeks! With the help of that wonderful website, I was able to keep great track of my progress and stay organized!! YAY! To help develop the sound, Zach mainly used Pixabay to retrieve all the audio needed and created a banger sound design!

After writing this, it was time to insert it into the super awesome script! THAT I FINISHED TODAY!! YIPPEEEEEE!!!!!  I've decided to answer question 3 last because I'm pretty sure I can (it's in my notes so hella) and feel like it's a better way to conclude a project that I have been working on for 8 weeks! YAYYYY!!!! So with that being said, check out the full script :D


EMI sits down on her desk, chair facing the camera like CCR 1.

EMI: Well my friends….the time has come. I’m excited to say that today is finally the day of the interview! WOOHOO!! The outfit goes crazy right?

To be honest, the nerves are high right now, and there are about 3 and a half hours before it’s time to walk into Vanity Fair’s studio, so to calm myself down and make time seemingly go by slower, I oughta take us out on a walk! VAMONOS!!

EMI holds the camera while walking outside to the local park that’s totally not my backyard, calm music playing in the background.

EMI sets down the camera at a good spot and sits down.

EMI: ….Man…throughout all my years in the film industry, I never ever thought I would make it this far. Who knew that the small little projects made for school eventually led to…THIS?? It’s truly unbelievable bro..


EMI: I feel a tapping on my back..(FINN shows up right next to EMI) GAH!!

FINN: Hello there Emi! Beautiful day isn’t it?

EMI: Woah! Uh…hi? I had no idea animals could talk holy crap

FINN: We can! You humans just don’t sit down and listen a whole lot!

EMI: Ah well, yeah that makes sense. Wait! You know my name???

FINN: Oh why of course! You’re Emi Valdivia, star actress of Death Wears a Dress, correct? I absolutely adored your film, your performance was extraordinary!

EMI: Yep that’s me!! Glad you liked the film Finn! did you watch it? Genuinely curious.

FINN: Just at the film festival that took place here not too long ago. I along with many other of my friends were invested!

EMI: Ahhh that sounds about right! Cool to hear!

FINN: Yes, indeed! Ever since then I’ve been genuinely curious…what technologies, whether that be software, hardware, or online, did you use?

EMI: Oh man, that’s a good question! With hardware, we used Zach’s (as Renn would say it) amazing, beautiful, bar of gold, camera to film! This camera captured a plethora of juicy ass shots and definitely made our opener a lot more visually appealing! Along with that, we also used a tiny little microphone that was clipped to my clothes to get the best audio quality we can get, especially for the digging sound effect! Also fun fact, we didn’t have a tripod for the camera and instead, Zach and Renn used a tube light to keep it stable, YAY FOR MAKESHIFT TRIPODS!!

For software, we used Adobe Premiere Pro, where Zach worked on the line edit and color grading, and After Effects, where Renn worked on the graphics for our opener! Premiere Pro really helped us with color as most of the shots we got were a bit too bright due to the ever shining glow of the sun, while After Effects allowed for the title and deserved credits to be displayed when needed! 

As for online, oh man, oh man, ONLINE! Blogger. Blogger has been absolutely everything to me since the very beginning of this project!!! It has helped me plan, with the characters, costume design, and storyboard and also assisted in calming down the overbearing voices that stressed me out about the project, especially during these last two weeks! With the help of that wonderful website, I was able to keep great track of my progress and stay organized!! YAY! To help develop the sound, Zach mainly used Pixabay to retrieve all the audio needed and created a banger sound design!

FINN: My, my!! That is a very wide selection of tools, Emi! It truly intrigues me how you humans use these things… complicated.

EMI: Ha, yeah, I would think the exact same thing if I’m being honest; one quick glance at Premiere Pro and or After Effects can be a very scary experience!

FINN: Indeed! Speaking of experience, you most likely have come a long way since the beginning of this project! How did your production skills develop throughout the making of this film?

 Hmph, well! The biggest thing that this project taught me, was for sure and absolutely time management. As someone who attempts to create her own projects, whether that be comic books, short stories, or full fledged art projects, I have been a victim to the slimy hands of inconsistency since the very beginning of it all. As a starring actress, costume designer, character designer, and storyboarder, I had a handful of tasks to take care of, therefore I had to juggle my time at certain moments! I admit that these jobs aren’t as huge as director or editor, but I still had to stay vigilant and on task these past 8 weeks; spending a whole day solely for developing Charlotte and Phillip, hours designing Charlotte’s costume and giving it meaning, having to show up on set both filming days, ready to go and film for hours in the steaming sun with full sleeved clothing on, and writing 4 blogs a week on all of these things and then some on top of it!! I’m still genuinely so surprised I was able to do all of this while also juggling 4 classes and extracurriculars, and none of it would have been done without decent time management!

As for challenges, our biggest one that came with production was definitely making our genre, Western, come to life successfully. To make a good Western movie, one has to create believable costumes, plot, and find the perfect location! We had our doubts at first, and even considered switching genres at one point, but luckily our challenges with finding a good location and creating a good costume and plot have been overcome due to our overpowering dedication! YAY!!! We had two filming days, the first we shot about 90% of our footage, and the second we finished the remaining 10%!

I'm genuinely so grateful I was able to work with such amazing and talented people on this project. Since Zach, Nico, and Renn are all a part of CBTV and already have a handful of production experience under their belt, I have had the opportunity to witness absolute greatness during filming and post production and genuinely have become a lot more interested in film because of them, this project, and AICE media itself! Thank you all :)

FINN: Wow, what a journey! I would feel very proud of myself if I were you, Emi. 

EMI: aw shucks

Well Finn, I better start making my way to the airport! Flight to New York is in about 2 hours!

FINN: Oh, yes, right! I’ve been hearing around you have a big interview with Vanity Fair, best of luck on that!

EMI: Thanks Finn, loved the chat we had! See ya around!

FINN: Until next time!


MAN!! WHAT A MEDIA FILLED DAY IT HAS BEEN BRO!!!!!! Woke up? MEDIA! Ate lunch? MEDIA! Ate dinner? MEDIA! About to go to bed? GRAAAAAHAHHHHH MEDIA!!!!!!! As busy as it was though, I'm genuinely really glad I got all of that done cuz PHEW!!! It was hella work man...and what's even more hella work is FILMING and EDITING!!! 

This topic will be a lot more touched on in the following blog posts this week that are going to be all about CCR production!! YAYYYYYY!!! As for now, take a lovely photo and video of myself creating some lovely art for CCR 1!!!! :DDD


Diverse stars???? woke?????

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 HELLO ALL! Happiest of Sunday's :DD!!!! I've been having a MEDIA FILLED day so far bro I'm actually not joking. I began my day ...