Friday, March 14, 2025


Heyooo super awesome blog readers!!! HAPPY FRI(YAY)!!!!!! ITS FINALLY THE END OF THE WEEK!!! LETS GOOOOOOOOO!!!! Today has genuinely been such a great day so far and I’m currently going out with my family to go see the Lion King musical!! WOOHOO!! So chances are Ill be coming back home to a late night blog post session :3 gosh i love those nights.

Before diving into more CCR stuff, I have to first tell you all about the super awesome 2nd and most likely the last group meeting!! :D On Wednesday, my teacher grouped us up and I ended up in a table with my fellow peers, Isabelle, Ale, Mariana, Jano, and Sofia! Here’s a super awesome summary of what went down :D! 


For this meeting, we were expected to not only show what we have done so far with the production of our opener, but also share our ideas for both CCR videos!! Unfortunately, we got side tracked way too much throughout the meeting, so we really were only able to share mostly CCR stuffs… but HEY!! Tstok now knows about shadow boxing because of that so I call it a half success!! >:D (i wish i was joking) I will now share what each group member had to say including myself!! :D

1. EMI (ME!)

BLOG LINK: here doofus

I started off first by sharing my blog with the group, and Isabelle told me I have a very pretty blog and I was all like YAYYY!! Thank you :DD!!! 

guys im trying my best not to fall asleep during this car ride please help

The group then asked me what I was going to do for my CCR’s, and I told them that I was planning on 

holy shit my eyes are just getting heavier


The group then asked me what I was going to do for my CCR'S, and I told them that I was planning on creating a fan mail unboxing video for the first CCR and a professional interview for the second! I explained to them the general premise of the video, basically saying that it revolved around a super famous actress version of me making a YouTube video about unboxing fan mail before picking out her outfit for the big interview she's scheduled for the following week! The feedback was good, especially for the fan mail idea, with the group agreeing I had a good and “smart” idea as they said I can include and make my own stuff for it! Thanks guys!! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪

I don't have any pictures showing what I'm imagining this video to be like BUT HERE'S THE INSPIRATION!!! the goat

 I however was still a bit skeptical about my first idea but now I feel a lot better about it after writing all my thoughts out on the last blog post! YAY!! As for the interview, I didn’t get much feedback, but that’s mainly due to the typical sidetrack. I think a different idea for CCR 2 will come into fruition shortly, so stay tuned!!! 



For his first CCR, Jano was thinking of doing a street interview where he suddenly gets stopped by a fan/interviewer (?) and gets asked 2 CCR questions! He then told us that he wasn't so sure what to do for his second CCR but had a vague idea of doing a vlog inspired video where he documents his day while also answering the questions, which then led to Isabelle proposing expanding that idea for him, basically saying that his second video could be a vlog where he shows the opener set while also answering the questions as well!

what I'm imagining Jano's possible video to be like!

Through looking at Jano's blog, he and his partner are currently on the post production stage! I also found out that during this group meeting that for his opener, he used a fake tattoo for his arm which I think is really hecking cool, so I'll be looking forward to seeing that get featured! YAY!



Mariana then went on and told us that her first CCR production, she wants to do a Vogue-like "what's in my purse" video by showing props she used during filming for her opener, which I think is pretty creative! YAY! While explaining this idea, Mariana also talked a bit about her film, with the plot basically being about a girl completing a bucket list of different things before she graduates, which I thought was super awesome! Through looking at Mariana and her group member's blogs, they are currently on the editing stage of production and will be done soon!

As for the second CCR, she said she had no idea what to do, and so the group suggested that she can do a get ready on set and could maybe get someone else besides herself to do her makeup to make it seem more professional! I think this may be a bit too close to a GRWM(get ready with me) that you Cambridge lads have probably seen countless of times already, so chances are this idea may not come out victorious. WE WILL SEE!!

my bum hurts



Isabelle told us that for her first CCR, she would like to do a day in the life video which is basically like a video documenting a day like in the life...BAHAHHA WAIT ITS IN THE NAME

chat how is it already almost midnight what the fart

Isabelle however was a bit doubtful about this idea as she didn't think it was all that creative, so much so that she asked Tstok about it. She requested to Isabelle that if she was going to do a day in the life video, that she would have to stylize it, add personality, and make it original to herself! Hell yeah!! This suggestion then made us think for a second and eventually Isabelle thought of making her first CCR about her in a mock trial answering questions as a witness, and the second CCR about football where she will be interviewed as a football player after the game. YAY!!

By looking through her blog, Isabelle and her group are currently on the post production stage of the project, getting closer to finishing as we speak! HURRAH!!!

5. ALE


While she was sharing her ideas, one of them involving making a shadowboxing CCR video, which is basically what it sounds like, Tstok came by to check on us which caused Ale to ask her about the shadowboxing idea which very much did lead to confusion BAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA this was then followed by a demonstration that I almost had a coughing attack to. and Tstok eventually turned the idea down after a while. What a core memory.

Through conversation, Ale eventually ended up with two general ideas for her CCR videos: the first one being about her right after getting surgery, getting asked questions by the surgeon, and the second one being a video comedically responding to hate towards her film! With more development, these ideas can be made into something really creative and unique, so I'll be looking forward to seeing them soon!

Reading her blog, Ale is currently stuck in a rut with her project, as she hasn't had the greatest opportunities to film yet and also hasn't edited. I'm wishing her the best of luck for the next week! The looming date is only getting closer GAAAHHHHHHH



Wrapping up the meeting, Sofia told us that her first CCR idea is going to be a breaking news broadcast talking about her film and answering the 2 questions as her opener has a breaking news segment in it! Baller!! :DD For her second video, Sofia was thinking of doing a cooking channel type video where she is baking a cake or some other food, with the final product being the film opener! The whole group thought these ideas were pretty creative, especially the first one! 

From her blog, Sofia is currently in the post production stage and has already filmed everything, so things should be done shortly! WOOHOO!!


HOLY SHIT ITS DONE. Guys pls give me a medal these blogs are heavy duty work (HAHAHAHAH SHE SAID DOODY) nah but for real though, I'm genuinely really tired and a bit maybe a bit burnt out from the events and assignments of this week. I still have a lot more carpy carp to get done but I GOT THIS! Emi gets through things and PERSERVES!!! >:DD 

Today was bonkers man. School today was an absolute study hall which is a HUGE hell yeah because guess who needed to get hella work done??? ME!!!! I got a huge ass sociology paper done, finished up chemistry assignments, and the 1st blogpost for this week!! OHHH YEAAHHHHHH!!! 

I would also like to briefly mention today's lunch because Renn at some point was all like, "emi ur going to mention this in your blog, I know it" AND HERE I AM!! hi renn >:D Today's lunch was very funni and laffs and stuff . 

While we were walking to the catwalk, Renn told me that his window looks out to the east and then I said "oh I think mine looks out west but idk though", then Renn was all like "do you see the sun through your window?" and then I said "nah but I see like the sunlight rays yk what I mean" and then he was all like "do you see the sun though" and then I became very confused for a long moment and deeply thought about it for a good second, and then I zoned back into reality and heard Renn say again "emi do you see the sun when you look out the window" and then I said "uuuuhhhhhhhhhhh, like the big yellow ball in the sky?" and then, slowly losing his marbles, Renn said "yes emi, do you see the big yellow orb called the sun through your window in the sky??!?!???" 

I started laughing uncontrollably

My final answer, I FINALLY UNDERSTOOD, was "no" and then Renn, a bit more sane now, asked "when you look to the sides outside your window do you see the sun on your right or left?" AND I UNDERSTOOD IMMEDIATELY!! My answer was "right" and with that we finally, FINALLY confirmed that my window looks out to the west. HELL YEAH FOR MY BRAIN DEFECIENCY!!

guys its almost 2 am I need to sleep

Today I also watched the Lion King musical with my super awesome family and it was insane, like everything was so hella cool and it was baller u shuld check it out


1 comment:

  1. bro that lunch period was crazy . how does bro not know what the sun is?



 HELLO ALL! Happiest of Sunday's :DD!!!! I've been having a MEDIA FILLED day so far bro I'm actually not joking. I began my day ...